Garden Cafe

To acquire a much more variation of samples, be pleased to visit each part of the menu to find your ideal dessert. Coffee can be served when you are much pleased to tip, or to donate without ordering a dessert at all. Enjoy your stay.

A quick sketchy drink, perfect on the go. Can be availed as a tip and can be better quality the higher the tip is.

Some milk cookies are pre-made, but fresh milk cookies are delicious baked full.

It is a lineless art style, giving adorable and cute vibes. This dessert is perfect if you plan to stay for a quick break, and be in presence of cuteness and softness of the jiggly pudding.

Not to be intimidated by the pop of colors and strong taste, velvet cupcakes are best served in a plate of iconic cream.

This order is the frequent one with a detailed anime style. This dessert has a different method of shading making it unique and crystallized.

The most dedicated and detailed dessert that can be offered. It is a rendered, painterly parfait done in the most intricate process of cold and sweet.

Before Ordering, please take note of the following:

To order, message me with the following content:Commission Type:
Payment Method:
Payment Information (For Paypal Payment Method):
Textual References:
(Pose, Expression, the theme of your commission. Please provide a detailed explanation!)
Photo References:
(It would be great if you were to compile them into one picture, but you can also send me more of the references once I find you in your chosen form of communication!)
You can message me through Twitter or join my discord server to message me directly in Discord.Optionally, you can also contact me through [email protected]

Only wanting to donate? You can buy me a Ko-Fi! A sketch/colored sketch can be availed if you donate above 10$ ^^